Expanding benefits, building the future
photo of Dan and Rebekkah (from Maitri Medicinals) by Matt Dayak
We have seen the benefits of medicinal marijuana first hand - family members with cancer using it to increase hunger to easing the pain of arthritis - and far beyond. We have also watched the economical benefits that many states have made by passing both medicinal and recreational access to marijuana.
Friends of ours at Maitri Medicinals started working with us to produce their merchandise and print materials which further introduced us to both of these benefits. In a conversation with them they once mentioned that - even with all the positive studies and results in favor of it - theres still a somewhat negative stigma about marijuana in general.
To try to help dispel some of this nonsense, we asked if they would be interested in sponsoring a certification opportunity at our warehouse for any of our employees that may be interested and qualify. Maitri agreed and we were proud to offer the certification as an additional part of our employee benefit package.
Since Pennsylvania made the move toward legalizing medicinal marijuana and industrial hemp - we wanted to be some of the first in line to qualify. Not only for the obvious personal benefits of maintaining my own arthritis but even more to get as many folks on the record in support of it - so that those with the power to pass legislation could see that there was growing support for the overall legalization of marijuana, period.
With the obvious health benefits added in with the indisputable sustainability of products like hemp fabric and the low environmental impact of hemp paper, I feel like we are taking the steps to create a solid home-based foothold on our own industry. These products are the very foundation of screenprinting. 100% of the things we print on are either fabric or paper, neither of which are largely produced in the US or even sustainable.
We are at the very beginning of the possibilities - and proud to have even the tiniest impact on helping expel outmoded ideas of morality so we can all move on to true sustainability in the print industry and our economy.
photo: Matt Dayak
If you or your workplace would like to follow suit - please reach out to Maitri Medicinals or just contact us and we can share their info w you.